Supported on Android, iOS, macOS, JVM, JS and WASM targets


PlatformFile is the core class in FileKit that provides a unified representation of files across all platforms. It abstracts away platform-specific file implementations and provides a consistent API for working with files in your Kotlin Multiplatform project.

Creating a PlatformFile

You can create a PlatformFile instance in several ways:

// From a path string
val file = PlatformFile("/path/to/file.txt")

// From a
val path = Path("/path/to/file.txt")
val file = PlatformFile(path)

// From a parent file and child path
val parentDir = PlatformFile("/path/to")
val file = PlatformFile(parentDir, "file.txt")
// or using the convenient / operator
val file = parentDir / "file.txt"

Platform-specific constructors

Each platform also provides specific constructors:

// From a Java File
val javaFile = File("/path/to/file.txt")
val file = PlatformFile(javaFile)

// From an Android Uri
val uri = Uri.parse("content://...")
val file = PlatformFile(uri)


PlatformFile provides several properties to access file information:

val file = PlatformFile("/path/to/document.pdf")

// Get the file name with extension
val name: String = // "document.pdf"

// Get just the file extension
val extension: String = file.extension // "pdf"

// Get the file name without extension
val nameWithoutExtension: String = file.nameWithoutExtension // "document"

// Get the file path
val path: String = file.path // "/path/to/document.pdf"

// Get the file size in bytes
val size: Long = file.size()

// Get the parent directory
val parent: PlatformFile? = file.parent()

// Get the absolute path string
val absolutePath: String = file.absolutePath()

// Get the absolute file
val absoluteFile: PlatformFile = file.absoluteFile()

File operations

PlatformFile provides methods for common file operations:

// Check if the file exists
val exists: Boolean = file.exists()

// Check if it's a regular file
val isFile: Boolean = file.isRegularFile()

// Check if it's a directory
val isDirectory: Boolean = file.isDirectory()

// Check if it's an absolute path
val isAbsolute: Boolean = file.isAbsolute()

// Create directories

// Copy the file to a new location

// Move the file to a new location

// Delete the file

// List files in the directory
val files: List<PlatformFile> = file.list()

// Get input stream as a source
val source: RawSource = file.source()

// Get output stream as a sink
val sink: RawSink = file.sink(append = false)

// Read bytes from the file
val bytes: ByteArray = file.readBytes()

// Read string from the file
val content: String = file.readString()

// Write bytes to the file

// Write string to the file

Working with directories

You can use the resolve method or the / operator to navigate through directories:

val baseDir = PlatformFile("/path/to/base")

// Create a reference to a subdirectory or file
val subDir = baseDir / "subdirectory"
val file = subDir / "file.txt"

// Alternative using resolve
val file2 = baseDir.resolve("subdirectory/file.txt")

// Get the absolute path from a relative path
val relativeDir = PlatformFile("/path/to/relative")
val absoluteDir: PlatformFile = relativeDir.absoluteFile()

Converting to kotlinx-io

PlatformFile provides built-in integration with kotlinx-io.

// Convert to
val path: Path = file.toKotlinxIoPath()

// Convert to
val source: RawSource = file.source()

// Convert to
val sink: RawSink = file.sink()

Example usage

// Create a file reference
val file = PlatformFile(FileKit.filesDir, "document.txt")

// Check if it exists
if (!file.exists()) {
    // Write content to the file
    file.writeString("Hello, FileKit!")

// Read the file content
val content = file.readString()
println(content) // "Hello, FileKit!"

Next steps